Community Leaderboard for Son Son (sonson)


Default | Lives: 3 | Bonus Lives: 20K/80K/100K | Difficulty: Normal

Rank Score Player Record Comment
1 1,788,260 lordbbh 📂
2 419,130 zerst 📷 📂 wolf230
3 388,240 dent4f 📷 📂
4 263,590 barra 📷 📂
5 229,970 creech 📷 📂
6 215,100 chum 📷
7 211,750 ohfivepro 📷 📂 button check
8 205,330 terencew 📷 📂 wolf236
9 145,070 mahlemiut 📷 📂 wolf237
10 134,540 hazel 📷 📂
11 112,410 evan04 📂
12 102,110 wan1993 📷 📂 Wolfmame 230
13 98,700 krehztim 📷
14 92,050 derek 📷
15 78,790 nms 📷 will try to improve if I have time
16 77,660 revjohn 📷 📂 Dadfest Dadfest!
17 74,760 shatty 📷
18 7,450 bensweeneyonbass 📂 i think i missed the DADline - v.183