Community Leaderboard for Time Tunnel (timetunl)


-Default -Lives: 3

Rank Score Player Record Comment
1 363,930 andrij_kvasovy 📷 📼 📂 stage 4-3. MAME 0.259
2 301,760 sikraiken 📷 PS4
3 260,460 zerst 📷 📂 wolf250 2-3
4 237,080 omkol 📷
5 232,420 xur 📷 📂
6 220,770 starshinelunacy 📷 📂 shooowa meeemories on J1 gooooold
7 217,320 lunar 📷 Look at what y'all made me do
8 216,050 barra 📷
9 212,150 buffi 📷 fuck this game
10 211,910 ggmaximo 📷
11 207,390 smc_stg 📷
12 206,860 meriscan 📷
13 204,040 m_knight 📷 📼 St2-1 - All aboard the hype train!
14 201,560 modirufa6317 📷 📼 loop 3 beaten!! (MAME 0.257)
15 192,710 dent4f 📷 📂 The Milk Shop Express
16 183,730 grisha92 📷
17 176,970 chum 📷 I don't like this game
18 176,580 jaylab 📷 i'm finished
19 175,610 colonelfatso 📷
20 172,900 ohfivepro 📷 Densha de Death
21 169,980 sakesaur 📷 📂 strange bug on 1-2 with overlapped rails, maybe it was not recorded in inp
22 166,470 njwelch75 📷
23 157,590 perishedfraud 📷 Whoever voted this goes on the tracks
24 156,220 pearl 📷 game for fucking idiots
25 152,180 laml 📷 choo choo
26 151,520 jakazam 📷 trains
27 150,740 hazel 📷 time tunl
28 148,670 krauser_ii 📷 📂 MAME 0.258
29 146,520 blambor 📷 i've got the syndrome
30 144,750 dockhauser 📷
31 133,810 prow 📷
32 132,990 zakk 📷 get in the train asshole
33 125,480 grammerangel 📷
34 124,220 terencew 📷 📂 0.259W
35 122,310 andrewr98 📷
36 121,500 heinerhan 📷
37 120,200 exedexes 📷 3rd loop, still a distinct lack of "time" in this game.
38 118,840 mobkiller 📷
39 118,160 jink 📷 at least its not zoo keeper
40 113,810 roihu3m 📷
41 112,370 synappzz 📷
42 111,960 kiwi 📷
43 110,740 nuclearpotato 📷 choo choo motherfuckers
44 106,700 folhagilete 📷 weird ass game
45 103,230 nanamari 📷 got 100k, despite the bullet train's attempts
46 103,160 baf 📷 no
47 103,060 krehztim 📷
49 98,800 acaride 📷
50 98,510 donkale 📷 📂 placeholder
51 85,030 trap15 📷 choo choo mother fucker
52 84,200 frank_donovan 📷 Place older
53 82,880 mahlemiut 📷 📂 wolf259
54 73,730 galactaray 📷 Jank Train
55 73,700 kobito_stg 📷 I take it back this game is ass
56 73,670 dumplechan 📂 Damn you, death train!
57 69,140 sylphieredbird 📷 And NOW it starts to click for me....
58 68,790 burlyheart 📷 love it!
59 68,090 djtatsujin 📷
60 64,960 mightysquirrel 📷
61 64,810 nelectron 📷 this game is the biggest piece of dog shit
62 58,640 volwrath 📷
63 54,690 kntain 📷
64 54,070 maucast 📷 Placeholder
65 48,870 scowsh 📷
66 48,770 waiwainl 📷
67 46,700 klatrymadon 📷 Placeholder. Cracking game!
68 40,880 rahan 📷
69 36,040 aktane 📷 I hate this game a LOT more now
70 34,770 torgohiggins 📷 neat game.
71 33,660 evan04 📂
72 27,550 dungeon_toaster 📷 I played it.
73 25,140 abnormalize 📷
74 25,130 wan1993 📷
75 24,640 mixmasterlar 📷 Last Minute Score Update
76 24,410 blizzard_blaster 📷 Not my best hour lol
77 24,090 legend_hoa 📷 placeholder
78 22,980 pan 📷 placeholder
79 22,620 maxwell 📷 Worst co-worker ever
80 22,390 cold_comfort 📷 We have super locomotive at home
81 21,810 laserdase 📷
82 20,270 zps 📷 stupid passenger wouldn't get on my train
83 17,910 backdoorfred 📂 wolfmame 250
84 15,520 electroaltruism 📷
85 14,770 th3v01d 📼
86 12,730 tawatawa 📷 Who is this rude other train driver??
87 11,830 eonhet 📷
88 3,950 toimine 📂
89 3,500 jermanator181 📷 Wtf is this game
90 3,140 copy_paster 📷 running in circles
91 1,760 retroshmuper 📷 Will play more this week