La Calice Cup 4 - Arcade Variety
scores for Garou - Mark of the Wolves (garou)

Team Totals:

Moebuta Farmers 1,233

Jarful of Piglets 1,193

Team CATS 1,174

Absolutely Badass Cops 985

The ROFLCopters 899

Better Off Fred 595

The SkullHowards 592


-Default -Bios Europe MVS (ver.2) -Hidden characters Kain & Grant allowed -ACA port allowed but other ports are banned -No Autofire

Rank Score Player Team Team Points Ranked Points Record Comment
1 2,372,800 ohfivepro Team CATS 200 200 📷 📼 Starts OK then goes downhill
2 1,898,000 turskain Jarful of Piglets 190 190 📷 📼 Placeholder #8 for h8ting kain round1 chokes
3 1,869,800 chum Moebuta Farmers 185 185 📷 📼 dunno
4 1,856,400 zerst The ROFLCopters 180 180 📂 wolf183
5 1,852,200 trap15 Team CATS 175 175 📷 2mil soon
6 1,666,200 omkol Absolutely Badass Cops 170 170 📷 I've cleared fighting game WutFace
7 1,601,900 lordbbh Team CATS 167 167 📂 eh
8 1,557,800 xur Moebuta Farmers 164 164 📷 stupid Kain
9 1,531,000 todayisforgotten Absolutely Badass Cops 161 161 📷 📂 228
10 1,398,600 mobkiller Moebuta Farmers 158 158 📷 📼 1CC with Gato
11 1,383,600 semenfairy Jarful of Piglets 155 155 📷 this is what u call a power move......
12 1,348,400 kirbycomment Moebuta Farmers 152 152 📷 📼 Fug this game
13 1,326,200 grisha92 Absolutely Badass Cops 149 149 📷
14 1,256,800 backdoorfred Better Off Fred 146 146 📷 That final boss
15 1,221,200 jaylab Absolutely Badass Cops 143 143 📷 this one cleared
16 1,209,500 nelectron Jarful of Piglets 140 140 📷 tried recording an inp for this run but it desyncs :/
17 1,186,000 sylphieredbird Team CATS 137 137 📷 1CC and PB. Would have been higher if Grant wasn't being a naughty sub-boss first round.. a
18 1,177,600 wallofbeef Jarful of Piglets 134 134 📷
19 1,171,500 djtatsujin Team CATS 131 131 📷
20 1,162,400 maxhyde The ROFLCopters 128 128 📷
21 1,118,800 maucast Jarful of Piglets 125 125 📷
22 1,049,200 zil Moebuta Farmers 122 122 📷 1cc, can't get super moves to work
23 1,039,600 colonelfatso Jarful of Piglets 119 119 📷 fuckin bad
24 1,033,600 mishi The SkullHowards 116 116 📷 Not anime, I'm bad
25 1,027,300 archi Moebuta Farmers 113 113 📷
26 972,200 dumplechan Team CATS 110 110 📷 📼 📂 1cc with Terry
27 957,800 mahlemiut Moebuta Farmers 107 107 📷 📼 📂 WolfMAME 0.229 (SDL)
28 914,000 dent4f The ROFLCopters 104 104 📷 📂 clueless
29 864,300 liquidus0 The ROFLCopters 102 102 📷
30 819,300 electroaltruism The SkullHowards 100 100 📷
31 791,200 hazel Moebuta Farmers 98 98 📷 fighting games bad
32 750,400 derek The ROFLCopters 96 96 📷
33 728,600 buster Team CATS 94 94 📷
34 694,200 mixmasterlar The ROFLCopters 92 92 📼 Was casually playing and got a better score. Still need to optimize this!
35 662,700 meriscan Jarful of Piglets 90 90 📷
36 657,900 volwrath Jarful of Piglets 88 88 📷
37 639,200 innuendo Better Off Fred 86 86 📼
38 619,700 galactaray Moebuta Farmers 84 84 📷 I'm never getting this lucky again
39 572,400 m_knight Absolutely Badass Cops 82 82 📷 📼 Round 4 - Pro tip : Mash the buttons and hope for the best
40 533,100 blizzard_blaster Absolutely Badass Cops 80 80 📷 hmm
41 527,500 drodriguesilva86 Jarful of Piglets 78 78 📷
42 508,000 rahan Team CATS 76 76 📷 Gato time.
43 500,400 gundamjehutykai Jarful of Piglets 74 74 📷 Why can I never get past the Butt??
44 492,800 dollopuss The ROFLCopters 72 72 📷 so hard
45 492,200 bestcellar Better Off Fred 70 70 📷
46 487,500 akagi The SkullHowards 68 68 📷
47 480,300 jakazam Better Off Fred 66 66 📷 I can't fighting game
48 430,600 saikazustg The SkullHowards 64 64 📷 It's Butt or nothing
49 415,000 el3m The SkullHowards 62 62 📷
50 390,800 dungeon_toaster Absolutely Badass Cops 60 60 📷
51 329,700 planetjacker Jarful of Piglets 0 58 📷
52 268,000 ing The SkullHowards 58 56 📷
53 266,300 bensweeneyonbass Better Off Fred 56 54 📷 📂 Butt Fighter
54 261,700 torgohiggins Absolutely Badass Cops 54 52 📷 typically don't like snk fighting games, but this feels pretty good.
55 240,600 laserdase Absolutely Badass Cops 52 50 📷
56 219,200 knirgesh Moebuta Farmers 50 48 📷
57 218,800 xx_henry_xx The ROFLCopters 48 46 📷 Fighting games are painful
58 211,500 sentmoraap Team CATS 46 44 📷
59 202,900 wan1993 The ROFLCopters 44 42 📷 📂 Wolfmame 183
60 202,200 hyperboreal Better Off Fred 42 40 📷
61 199,900 hanasu Better Off Fred 40 38 📂
62 198,000 colonelsandwich Team CATS 38 36 📷 I'm not good at fighters :(
63 195,900 tomzacz The SkullHowards 36 34 📷 playing this on keyboard wasn't the best idea
64 195,800 anomalocaris Absolutely Badass Cops 34 33 📷
65 190,200 baldbull_sfc The ROFLCopters 33 32 📷
66 181,000 ggmaximo The SkullHowards 32 31 📷
67 178,100 legend_hoa Better Off Fred 31 30 📷 B. Jenet >>>>>>>>>>
68 169,800 pearl Better Off Fred 30 29 📂 i should kill myself
69 148,400 prales The SkullHowards 29 28 📷
70 97,000 wolf Better Off Fred 28 27 📂
71 93,400 copy_paster Absolutely Badass Cops 0 26 📷
72 74,400 infirex The SkullHowards 27 25 📷 placeholder: throwing the fight edition