Puzzle Pozzle
scores for Hatris (hatris)



Rank Score Player Ranked Points Record Comment
1 674,086 chum 100 📷 📂 Wolf250
2 228,124 giro_x 97 📷 📂 wolf 260
3 144,014 omkol 94 📷 📼 this game is actually good
4 84,272 nick666101 91 📷 📂 this game still sucks.
5 73,860 dent4f 88 📷 📂
6 72,710 ohfivepro 86 📷 📂 w261 died with 2 sales in reserve ;(
7 61,476 zerst 84 📷 📂 wolf261
8 42,636 turskain 82 📷 impossible game
9 40,090 roihu3m 80 📷 hatris is a game stcking hats is the goal
10 39,484 njwelch75 78 📷 📂 mame 259
11 32,770 switch 76 📷 It is actually enjoyable when you do strats — which I didn't
12 13,084 terencew 74 📷 📂 wolf266
13 11,314 abnormalize 72 📷 a
14 11,042 eyes 70 📷 oooooooookay then
15 8,172 legend_hoa 68 📷 hats off to the devs
16 7,870 locobro 66 📷
17 7,852 rahan 64 📷 AAA indeed
18 6,862 nelectron 62 📷 this definitely is one of the games ever made
19 6,846 gundamjehutykai 60 📷 this feels kinda jank. Not sure if good kind tho
20 6,444 shikei 58 📷
21 6,206 blade 56 📷 placeholder
22 5,976 wan1993 54 📷
23 5,458 zps 52 📷 what
24 5,340 exedexes 50 📷 Why did shmup developers make puzzle games?
25 5,230 rocketvalkyrie 48 📷 whats the lore behind this game
26 4,520 kntain 46 📷
27 4,416 mooware 44 📷
28 4,154 radiancealesta 42 📷 what the fuck is this game
29 4,118 vaa_ast 40 📷 ph
30 3,506 buster 38 📷 I will be buried with this song looping in my eternal consciousness - also wow I'm bad at Hatris
31 1,890 luminish 37 📷 i always have and always will hate hatris