S T G C - 7
scores for Meikyu Jima (kikcubic)


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Rank Score Player Ranked Points Record Comment
1 2,181,600 dumplechan 50 📷 📼 📂 YATTA~~~~~!
2 1,691,950 mahlemiut 47 📷 📼 📂 Round 31. wolf236
3 1,110,400 ohfivepro 45 📷 📂 wolf230
4 1,027,650 terencew 43 📷 📂 wolf236... R19, stupid moment of not assessing the terrain. Sigh.
5 982,950 dent4f 41 📷 📂
6 863,800 hazel 39 📷
7 595,700 legend_hoa 38 📷 def want to learn this
8 454,500 cold_comfort 37 📷 YATTAAAAAA
9 277,150 blizzard_blaster 36 📷
10 274,050 tawatawa 35 📷 YATTA! But I'm not good at puzzles.