S T G C - 5
scores for Nostradamus (nostj)



Rank Score Player Ranked Points Record Comment
1 9,999,900 sikraiken 47 📷 📼 📂 2p side, with autofire
2 9,999,900 meriscan 50 📷 📼 📂 mame 226
3 8,838,700 penny 45 📷 📼 ALL [1P Side] (Lx4). Died twice to s7 boss :(
4 7,210,000 ggmaximo 43 📷 📼 ALL, Lx2
5 5,051,800 ohfivepro 41 📷 📂 last boss. so close :(
6 3,897,100 hazel 39 📷 cool game
7 3,822,300 sfkhoa 38 📷
8 2,103,800 dollopuss 37 📷 super game
9 1,863,100 trap15 36 📷 P2
10 1,817,400 dent4f 35 📷 📂 Stage 5 boss
11 1,778,600 m_knight 34 📷 📼 Stage 5
12 1,321,400 derek 33 📷 📂 wolf229 inp
13 1,188,300 wan1993 32 📷 📂 Emulator: Shmupmame64 v42
14 942,900 yreval 31 📷 Stage 3 boss
15 918,900 sylphieredbird 30 📷
16 896,100 blizzard_blaster 29 📷
17 866,700 mx5dob 28 📷 No autofire.
18 280,400 bensweeneyonbass 27 📷 📂 First time playing the blue dude. Looks like a prick imo. WolfMAME v.183